Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou Episode 12
Release: 2008 Tayang: 2009-03-24 Genre: animation, Actors: akemi okamura, akira ishida, ako mayama, asami seto, ayako kawasumi, choo, daisuke ono, eiji itou, higuchi akari, hiroshi kamiya, hiroshi shimozaki, hisayoshi suganuma, kazuhiko inoue, kazuhiro yamaji, kazuma horie, kazutomi yamamoto, kyoko chikiri, mikako komatsu,
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou - The Boy From The Empty House
Natsume encounters a young boy named Kai sealed in a coffin in an abandoned house. Natsume sets Kai free and finds out that Kai is being stalked by a youkai. After a time, Natsume becomes the target of this youkai and stops the youkai’s stalking with Nyanko-sensei’s help. In the end Natori who turns out to be the stalker and who sealed Kai in the coffin, tells Natsume that Kai is a Youkai. (Source: Wikipedia)