Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou Episode 10
Release: 2008 Tayang: 2009-03-10 Genre: animation, Actors: akemi okamura, akira ishida, ako mayama, asami seto, ayako kawasumi, choo, daisuke ono, eiji itou, higuchi akari, hiroshi kamiya, hiroshi shimozaki, hisayoshi suganuma, kazuhiko inoue, kazuhiro yamaji, kazuma horie, kazutomi yamamoto, kyoko chikiri, mikako komatsu,
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou - Temporary House
Strange things start happening at Natsume’s home, like Toukou’s plants get destroyed, and a strange Youkai starts wandering around his house. Natsume then learns more about Reiko and her life in this town. He also learns how to get rid of the Youkai who’s wandering around the house. (Source: Wikipedia)