Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou Episode 1
Release: 2008 Tayang: 2009-01-06 Genre: animation, Actors: akemi okamura, akira ishida, ako mayama, asami seto, ayako kawasumi, choo, daisuke ono, eiji itou, higuchi akari, hiroshi kamiya, hiroshi shimozaki, hisayoshi suganuma, kazuhiko inoue, kazuhiro yamaji, kazuma horie, kazutomi yamamoto, kyoko chikiri, mikako komatsu,
Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou - Stolen Book Of Friends
Natsume is attacked by a youkai while retrieving a ball at school. In his haste to run away, he ends up breaking a youkai’s seal, just like how he met Nyanko-sensei. Later that night, Natsume discovers a black lookalike of Nyanko-sensei, only to have him steal the Book Of Friends! As Natsume and Nyanko-sensei search for the black cat, they stumble across a gathering of youkai. The youkai plan to attack the humans for sealing their lord – the black cat Natsume’s looking for. With Nyanko-sensei’s help, Natsume gives back the lord’s name and catches a glimpse of his fond and bittersweet memories of living among humans. (Source: Wikipedia)