Blue Dragon Episode 43


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Release: 2007
Tayang: 2008-02-02
Genre: action adventure, animation,
Actors: jin horikawa, masaya takatsuka, romi park,

Blue Dragon - The Seven Warriors of Light

Kluke has joined the battle against General Logi, Andropov, and Schneider. A bunch of ruins arises alongside the statues of Blue Dragon, Minotaur, Phoenix, Saber Tiger, Hippopotamus and Odin that are shown on the columns. While General Logi fights Zola, the other defend themselves against Andropov and Schneider. When General Logi has Odin fire his attack on Jiro and Minotaur, Zola and Killer Bat protect them and collapses. Shu has Blue Dragon use his Blue Explosion on General Logi and Odin. Delphinium arrives and has her shadow defeat Zola. Delphinium then arises a container containing Deathroy. Shu and Jiro defend Zola from Delphinium’s shadow. Delphinium withdraws her shadow as Deathroy uses her to unleash Chimera. The final statue shows Chimera. As the columns activate some spell, the Shadows end up paralyzed as General Logi prevents Zola from breaking a glass container. With Andropov and Schneider held at bay and General Logi engaged with Zola, Shu uses her sword and breaks the door. This unleashes a dark mass over the area as Zola goes into it. Zola also states that she will start the beginning of the true world.

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